Drama Gone Viral


Jesse has to create and perform a drama for school but since she is stuck at home due to lockdown she has to make a solo…using drama conventions!*?

Luckily her Aunty, who is an actor, is in her bubble. She promises to help her and suggests she escape lockdown and 2021 through a portal. As Jesse enters the portal her Aunty transforms into a Dramabot who guides her on her journey.

Jesse falls through time and lands in Louis Pasteur’s laboratory in 1885. She is bitten by a rabid dog and so has to be vaccinated with Louis Pasteur’s revolutionary new vaccine. Advised by Dramabot she uses drama conventions to break out of tricky situations.

Jesse tries to get home but ends up further back in time in Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre where she is thrust into playing Juliet in Shakespeare’s up and coming play. She glimpses life in London in 1603, narrowly avoids death in a sword fight and as the bubonic plague strikes and the theatre closes, she escapes.

On her way home she meets the ‘Father of Immunity’, Dr Jenner, and the man with cows growing out of his body.

The borders to 2021 are shut and the only way through is to perform a one-minute solo. Jesse accepts the challenge and makes it home.

Comedy, drama ‘how-to’, science history and adventure are ‘Drama Gone Viral’.

Touring Details: We are available to tour in 2022 and 2023. Please email bethcotheatrephysical@gmail.com with a few different suitable dates and times and she will schedule your performance and confirm your booking.
Suitability: School Years 4-9
Duration: 50 minutes
Price: $5 (+ GST) per student (Minimum audience 130 children)


A high energy, imaginative and engaging show, which captivated our Year 7, 8 and 9 students. Great show, thank you. So perfectly fitted what we are teaching.

Helen Jones, Head of Performing Arts, St. Oran’s College, Wellington

It was so valuable having you come today. I would love to have you again next year if you’re back through this way. It was just uncanny how relatable and relevant the show was to the work we did in class. And a lot of the conventions finally made sense to the students seeing them applied so skillfully. They often think I’m nuts harping on about levels, space, using actions with purpose etc. They didn’t want you to go!

Alix Bushnell, HOD Drama, Wairarapa College

Thank you for performing your show. The feedback from the tamariki was amazing and they thoroughly enjoyed it.

Donna Burns, Glenholme School, Rotorua

Absolutely loved it. The kids were raving about it back in their classrooms.

Shelley Olliver-Bell, Newlands Intermediate School, Wellington

Thank you for your amazing physical theatre and storytelling. You have sparked the curiosity of all the children watching and even my own. My Year 4 class who came with me after the show had so many questions about vaccines, William Shakespeare, drama conventions and of course, cow pus.

I personally loved all of it, especially the humour. I thought the bosoms falling out of the dress were just great. Especially as Year 6 kids have just gone through the puberty change talk at school. So relevant and good to have a laugh about it.

The teachers who attended want you back again.

Catherine Peake, Belmont Primary School


Performed by
Katie Burson, Beth Kayes, George Llewellyn-Shead

Costume Designer
Elizabeth Whiting

Set Design Ideas
Kathryn Jarvis

Set Painter
Niamh Maher

Beth Kayes